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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Twitflict - Social vs Selling - Marketing on Twitter

Twitflict = Twitter Conflict
Twitfomercials = Twitter Infomercials

As a young Mother I began selling AVON in the 1980s as it allowed me to care for my son and still earn an income. My biggest problem was not selling to strangers it was approaching friends. I never wanted the selling to interfere with the friendship. Strangers it was a sale or no sale proposition with no loss for making the full on sales pitch.

My Husband and I began discussing the following 2 Days ago. Our twitflict is the more we interact and become part of the Twitter community the more reluctant I am to make a full sales pitch to my fellow Twits. We find a barrage of selling with no interaction very annoying. So how do we keep from becoming "that guy/gal" with constant stream of Twitfomercials filling the screen?

If we interact too much, too little, give an occasional sales pitch or lay low will we be unfollowed? We have a web site and are proud of our products/customer service. The flip side is we really enjoy the reparte on Twitter and don't want to loose that.

This Morning this twitter arrived and it has shown me that much of what we have been contimplating is important to the Twitter Community as well.

colderICE RT @AlexKaris: Please RT - What is the NUMBER 1 reason you Unfollow People? [POLL]
Poll Results as of 02/15/09 10:33 PST - Note the comments that follow the poll

I Never unfollow people.
[ 5% (38 votes) ]

Tired of watching them self promote with links & no interaction.
[ 42% (300 votes) ]

They tweet way too much everyday.
[ 19% (135 votes) ]

They tweet vulgar information.
[ 10% (70 votes) ]

They like to instigate confrontational conversation.
[ 2% (11 votes) ]

They Don't Follow me back.
[ 11% (81 votes) ]

How do you unfollow people?
[ 1% (6 votes) ]

Other (please comment below)
[ 10% (71 votes) ]

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